Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Successful Blog and The Strategy

Hello everyone! :D
This is my FIRST TIME BLOGGING! (yeaaay..)
Well, I hope you guys will enjoy my first post and find it useful.
Let's start!

Today's topic is:

"What Makes a Blog A Success and Blogging Strategy"

Here are 5 points I would like to share with you. These are my personal opinions about having a blog that is worth reading, worth linking, and worth to be commented.

1. What would I like to achieve through blogging?

With blog, I am willing to gain my writing skill. Like I said before, this is my first time blogging and I am sure there are a lot of mistake I made here. Well, that is part of learning, right?

I also want to be more open-minded. Personally, I have a difficulty in telling and sharing my thoughts, my opinion, and my statement towards something. So, I think this is the right time to make my move.

2. What is my strategy for blogging and obtaining readership?

It will be good (or you can say it, the best way) if every post on your blog helps the readers with their problems. So, my first strategy is to write a useful and helpful post that my readers can find some benefits within.

Second, my blog should not be like a textbook we usually read at school! Words, words, and words only. It will be better if I put some images, so it won’t be boring to read. To compare pictures/visuals with text, our brain can process information in forms of visual faster than text (source: ). Therefore, readers can be more attracted to our blog.

3. What will be the purpose of my blog?

To be read?
Just kidding :D Of course it is more than that.

Related to my previous point, I want my blog to be useful. Hopefully readers can find it helpful for them.

Also, I want to know people who have the same thoughts and opinion like me. This can be done through one important feature in the blog, which is the comment section. In the end, the blog can be a platform for people to widen their knowledge about certain topics, especially related to what I posted.

4. How will I go about creating useful posts?

I think there are many ways to create useful posts. For me, I can do some researches or survey about what topic currently discussed by people nowadays. The topic can be from anywhere. There are a lot of things to be discussed. A simple example is Tips and Tricks. This idea somehow never goes wrong, right? 

5. Who is my favorite blogger?

I am the type of person that loves beauty tips and tricks so much. This girl, named Michelle Phan has inspired me and I am so satisfied with her beauty education through her blog. Here is the link to reach her blog:

Not only me, but hundreds of people has been going through this blog. Michelle Phan constructs her blog attractively. There are lots of photos, useful tips for skin, fashion, makeup, and many more. She also maintains her words in detail, yet not too much. In other words, she manages it effectively and efficiently.

That is my opinion about making a blog a success, followed with some strategies to make it happen. Do you have another answer for those 5 questions? I am happy if you guys can leave a comment.
Thank you!

Kind Regards,



  1. I really like how you've structured your blog. It makes it really easy to scan without necessarily reading all of your points on a specific subject.

  2. Hi andella! Really nice first post for our class.
    I liked the design and the structure of your blog. It really gives that welcoming feel to the readers.

    Your way of giving lots of pictures is also a nice way to entertain the readers.

  3. Hi Colhili and Mike!
    Thanks a lot for your comments, I'm so happy that you like my blog :D

  4. Nice first post, I particularly liked the informal tone of your blog post and the good use of images throughout the text.


  5. Great post there! I love those pictures you put up there. Really helps making the post a little bit more interesting.

  6. Hi Vivien and 21 (sorry I don't know your name :D)
    thanks for the comments!
    I will make a better one for my next post :))

  7. Nice post and I am a real fan of the layout. I like the pictures that you put up, it definitely makes for an easier read.

  8. yeayy my layout has a fan LOL xD
    thanks a lot!

  9. Hi Della,
    These days some of the blogs really give me a hand! For example I have following a blog which introducing PC and mobile applications that the author think it is useful to our life, he write the entries with a detailed tutorial, so I'm really into this style of blogging!

  10. Hi Della, for a first time blogger you certainly have identified some of the core competencies. I say this as an amateur myself, with my only experience being last semesters class Web 2.0. Your use of relevant images help to break the blog up so it is easer to read and you write with personality! Your layout is good however I would recommend you include some RSS feeds for example of your favourite blogger on your page. I notice you have a follow link for google but I can't find the follow link to your blog so when you blog I get notified. There is a good article on design that I referenced in my blog which has some tips. Tag clouding would be another suggestion. I offer these suggestions as they were suggested to me by Sirous when he was marking my blogs last semester. So I thought I would pass this on to you.

  11. Della kudos. Your blog is colourful and light entertainment shows thought and a bit of style. Dangerous combination

  12. I think you write your blog in a very simple and concise style which is good. Keep up the good work!

  13. Hi Della :D

    It is a nice blog! I like the structure of your blog and the design are clear, simple and light!! It makes me feel comfort when i read your blog <3
