Monday, August 26, 2013

Social Media Policy of The Coca-Cola Company

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem..

Hello my fellow readers! 
Today's topic was stressed me out a little, but thank God I finally finished it!

My lecturer version of the topic description:

identify some of the applicable legal risks for your chosen organisation. Justify why those risks are particularly relevant (e.g. risks for QUT could be different than that of a Dental Practice) and provide scenarios of how some of these risks could apply and what the organisations Social Media Policy should attempt to address.
 First, I will introduce you to the chosen company for today's post (drum roll.....)

The Coca-Cola Company is a manufacturer and corporation engaged in the beverage industry. The Coca-Cola Company was found in 1886 by Asa Griggs Candler. This company has expanded their brand to over 200 countries with more than 500 brands produced, also serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. Its employees, noted on December 2011 has reached the number of 146,200.

Coca-Cola Online Social Media Principles

Based on the previous lecture, once a company (in this case, Coca-Cola) entered the social media in any purpose, the company may dealing with some risks that will affect them. The risks can be: 
  • confidential information
  • Employment
  • Reputation risk

Where do these risks come from?
I displayed 3 out 6 risks and they are related to each other.
Coca-Cola surely has people who consume, distribute, or supply the products. In that case, those people probably talk about this brand every day, maybe discussions, debates, compliments, critics,and other comments towards the company. Some of the conversation may be done online.

Some irresponsible associates might spread information that should not be publicly published. If the shared information is very crucial for the company's reputation, it will give a bad impact to the company, and that particular employee can be dismissed. Chaos, isn't it?

In order to keep the associates on track regarding their online activities related to the company and the brands, Coca-Cola creates Online Social Media Policies as a guide, so the associates will not misbehave when doing the online activities and the company will not get a bad impact.
Here are the 5 principles of personal online activities created by Coca-Cola Company.

1.Adhere to the Code of Business Conduct and other applicable policies
No matter what division, every associates are subjects to the company's CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT. Whether the person is the Chairman or the operational staff, he/she has to obey the policy that covers the disclosure of information and applies to his/her personal online activities.

2. You are responsible for your actions
Whatever online activities done by the associates that give bad impacts to the company's image will be their own responsibility.

3. Be a "scout" for compliments and criticism
Instead of talking about the company through untrusted sources, Coca-Cola company urges the associates to report those remarks (positive or negative) directly to the company.

4. Let the subject matter experts respond to negative posts
The company tells the associates to pass some negative posts to the official-market spokespersons if they come across or see the third parties trying to do one.

5.Be conscious when mixing your business and personal lives

The company reminds the associates to be aware in posting information to online community, because personal and business are likely to intersect. The associates have to make sure that they do not share any private information of the company to social media that has a bigger chance of people outside the company seeing the information.

By seeing the 5 principles, The Coca-Cola Company has prepared itself to prevent the risks that might occur within the organisation because of the social media.
The Online Social Media Principles is one of the solution applied by the company as a protection for the reputation and all members of the company. 

That's all for today, readers!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog again.

Coca-Cola on wiki 
The Coca-Cola Company Online Social Media Principles 
The Coca-Cola Company  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

McKinsey Value Levers at The Biggest Coffeehouse in The World

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem..

Welcome to my third post!
Let me introduce the topic for today with this original words from the lecturer:

This week’s activity requires you to select an organisation (your choice) and to identify and discuss some of the major benefits and value levers associated with implementing Enterprise 2.0.

Next, let me introduce the organization I choose to complete this mission:

This delicious coffee is made by the organization I want to use for today's post. I'm sure you all know already :)
Starbucks was first found in Seattle, Washington in 1971. With more than 20,000 stores in 62 countries, Starbucks becomes the largest coffeehouse company in the world.

The organizational functions of McKinsey value levers 2012 I will use for Starbucks is the Customer Service. This function can be implemented by providing customer care via social technologies.

Because the Customer Service function is focusing on the use of social technologies more than the physical one to engage with the customer, the part that I want to touch from the body of Starbucks is the website called MY STARBUCKS IDEA .

When you visit this website, you will directly know the purpose Starbucks want to achieve. "My Starbucks Idea" gains ideas from the customers for their further product development, whether from the coffee type, new food and beverages, new locations, and other ideas that come from the customers themselves.

You can see it clearly that all of these ideas are FROM THE CUSTOMERS

These are also from the customer who are currently giving their ideas to Starbucks

"My Starbucks Idea" also put some categories in order to group the customers ideas into products , experience , and involvement. I think by categorizing the ideas, customers will not get confused or feel too complicated when seeing or sharing their ideas.

The last feature from this website that I found interesting is that they convince the customers that their ideas are really worth for them by displaying which ideas are under review, reviewed, coming soon, and launched. With this, customers will always keep their track towards this website, therefore they may get engaged with this organization.

Well, my fellow readers, that's all that I can share with you in today's post.
The following is a brief summary of what I am talking about:

Starbucks, the largest coffeehouse company in the world has been known for its friendly and customer-oriented services that makes it success and expands the store in more than 60 countries around the world.
According to the function of Customer Service from the McKinsey value levers 2012, Starbucks embraces its customer more by involving them to share ideas for their development. They do this brilliant innovation by creating a website called "My Starbucks Idea" as a platform between the customers and the company.

I hope you will find this useful. It will be amazing if you can give me some comments or any suggestions so I can improve my blogging skill :)



Saturday, August 10, 2013

Enterprise 2.0 Implementation in Companies : Based on Wikinomics Principles

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem..

Hello, readers! ♥
Welcome to my second post.
First of all, I'd like to say, I'm so happy to find out that many of you liked my FIRST POST ,especially the layout that I created. Thank you so much for the comments and I will keep my post as interesting as possible so you can enjoy it :D

Okay, let me introduce the topic for today:
"Enterprise 2.0 in Action!"
Example of companies using Enterprise 2.0 principles
and the relation with Wikinomics

Just a brief background right here:

The students are told to find at least 2 companies who use the notion of Enterprise 2.0 in order to expand the growth of the companies. Then, the students have to relate the companies' enterprise strategy with the Wikinomics Business Model, which contains four principles as the central concept: Openness , Peering , Sharing , and Acting Globally.

#1 : KOTEX

As you (girls, especially) know, Kotex is one of the companies that provide feminine hygiene products. It is owned and managed by a corporation engaged in the field of consumer products, Kimberly-Clark . Now, let's connect this company with the Wikinomics Business Model!


Kotex's website is open for everyone, especially women. We can access the product details and functionality easily. Besides, we can communicate with other girls or experts to discuss some issues of puberty or feminine hygiene.


Related to the website, it has a collaboration with some experts to help the girls in answering their questions about feminine hygiene or puberty issues.

Also, it has some projects in order to change the way people think of talking about periods and other "forbidden" things. Every experts and women around the world peering together to make a difference within this project.


There is a new website called U by Kotex . I think this is the best way to find out and share your knowledge about feminine hygiene, whether to your peers, other people at the same ages as yours, even the experts. Women are now able to gain more information about their puberty in a comfortable way.

Acting Globally

 The website is available in some country domains, like U.S.A, Canada, Europe, Australia, France, and Spain. However, almost every country around the world has its own Kotex website for online selling and store locating.


Anyone using Tupperware?? (I do!)
This is one of my favorite home products line, so I will take this as an example.


Tupperware is one of the high demand markets, and they upload the information about how they can implement their products regularly. Also, Tupperware does some research in order to get some new ideas which can attract investors.


Since Tupperware is a subsidiary company, customers are welcome to become a retailer. The company does not lessen the competition between customers selling the products. In other words, Tupperware is peering with its own customers


Tupperware has a lot of home product lines, so they share their products based on categories, packed in a catalog. Customers can find the catalog in a form of books (which they can get from the retailers), or through the website, which I think easier to do it this way, because you can easily go through the search box and look for the products you want, instead of flipping over pages to pages.

Acting Globally

Well,what can I say more after seeing this picture? :D
It is obvious that Tupperware is "everyware" (get it? LOL)
After the first introduction of their innovation in 1948, Tupperware is finally known and sold in almost 100 countries, until now.

That's all folks! :D
I will stop right here with a quick summary:

Kotex and Tupperware are two companies I take as an example of how Enterprise 2.0 is implemented in order to improve better achievement of the company record. Based on the Wikinomics Business Model, these companies comply the four principles (Openness, Peering, Sharing, and Acting Globally) and prove how mass collaboration can change the business environment. 

 Feel free to leave some comments, so I can do a better post next time :)
Bye for now!



Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Successful Blog and The Strategy

Hello everyone! :D
This is my FIRST TIME BLOGGING! (yeaaay..)
Well, I hope you guys will enjoy my first post and find it useful.
Let's start!

Today's topic is:

"What Makes a Blog A Success and Blogging Strategy"

Here are 5 points I would like to share with you. These are my personal opinions about having a blog that is worth reading, worth linking, and worth to be commented.

1. What would I like to achieve through blogging?

With blog, I am willing to gain my writing skill. Like I said before, this is my first time blogging and I am sure there are a lot of mistake I made here. Well, that is part of learning, right?

I also want to be more open-minded. Personally, I have a difficulty in telling and sharing my thoughts, my opinion, and my statement towards something. So, I think this is the right time to make my move.

2. What is my strategy for blogging and obtaining readership?

It will be good (or you can say it, the best way) if every post on your blog helps the readers with their problems. So, my first strategy is to write a useful and helpful post that my readers can find some benefits within.

Second, my blog should not be like a textbook we usually read at school! Words, words, and words only. It will be better if I put some images, so it won’t be boring to read. To compare pictures/visuals with text, our brain can process information in forms of visual faster than text (source: ). Therefore, readers can be more attracted to our blog.

3. What will be the purpose of my blog?

To be read?
Just kidding :D Of course it is more than that.

Related to my previous point, I want my blog to be useful. Hopefully readers can find it helpful for them.

Also, I want to know people who have the same thoughts and opinion like me. This can be done through one important feature in the blog, which is the comment section. In the end, the blog can be a platform for people to widen their knowledge about certain topics, especially related to what I posted.

4. How will I go about creating useful posts?

I think there are many ways to create useful posts. For me, I can do some researches or survey about what topic currently discussed by people nowadays. The topic can be from anywhere. There are a lot of things to be discussed. A simple example is Tips and Tricks. This idea somehow never goes wrong, right? 

5. Who is my favorite blogger?

I am the type of person that loves beauty tips and tricks so much. This girl, named Michelle Phan has inspired me and I am so satisfied with her beauty education through her blog. Here is the link to reach her blog:

Not only me, but hundreds of people has been going through this blog. Michelle Phan constructs her blog attractively. There are lots of photos, useful tips for skin, fashion, makeup, and many more. She also maintains her words in detail, yet not too much. In other words, she manages it effectively and efficiently.

That is my opinion about making a blog a success, followed with some strategies to make it happen. Do you have another answer for those 5 questions? I am happy if you guys can leave a comment.
Thank you!

Kind Regards,
